Here's a pelican grooming--possibly trying to attract-- |
the attention of this handsome devil. |
We have Snowy Egrets on the East Coast, but you'd really have to go to a wildlife sanctuary, or to some other out-of-the-way place to see one. |
So I was surprised to see this fellow just strolling around the Oceanside Pier, trying to look nonchalant. I wondered if I missed noticing a female bird he was considering trying to get to know. |
Until a fisherman walked away from his bait, and the egret quickly moved in and snatched a fish. He must do this regularly, as he seemed to have it down to a routine. |
Here he is looking more like a wild thing. |
No matter how many pictures I took , or where I stood, I seemed to get this 7 Eleven sign in the photo. |
I nearly laughed out loud when I crossed the street to see what I could get from there--and the rainbow seemed to be making the proverbial crock of gold out of the 7 Eleven sign. |